
Quantum Blockchain for Next Generation Networks Scenarios: Use Cases, Challenges and Future Directions

Prof. Neeraj Kumar(India)

Quantum Blockchain is the intersection of quantum computing and blockchain technology, exploring both the challenges posed by quantum computing to existing blockchain systems and the opportunities for innovation in creating more secure and efficient decentralized networks. However, various challenges such as secure communication, scalability, fast processing, key distribution etc. need to be addressed by designing new innovative solutions. Quantum computing could potentially enable more efficient consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks, leading to faster transaction confirmations and scalability improvements. It also offers new cryptographic techniques, such as quantum key distribution (QKD), which could enhance the security and privacy of blockchain transactions. Moreover, Qubit design is challenging keeping in view of the overall performance evaluation of any system.

Hence, in this talk, we will explore various possibilities of application of Quantum blockchain for wide range of applications scenarios for future.

About the speaker

Neeraj Kumar avatar

Prof. Neeraj Kumar

  • Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
    Full Professor

Prof. Neeraj Kumar (SMIEEE) (2019, 2020, 2021 highly-cited researcher from WoS) is working as a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed to be University), Patiala (Pb.), India. He is also adjunct professor at King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Newcastle University, UK. He has published more than 500 technical research papers in top-cited journals and conferences which are cited more than 54900 times from well-known researchers across the globe with current h-index of 125. He has guided many research scholars leading to Ph.D. and M.E./M.Tech. His research is supported by funding from various competitive agencies across the globe. His broad research areas are Green computing and Network management, IoT, Big Data Analytics, Deep learning and cyber-security. He has also edited/authored 10 books with International/National Publishers like IET, Springer, Elsevier, CRC.

He has secured research funding of around 1 Million Euro from Govt of India, and Industries in the area of smart grid, blockchain, Cyber-Security and network management. He is consultant In various industry and govt. sponsored projects in China, Saudi Arabia and Europe. He has executed various international projects in Austria, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Europe and China. He has supervised more than 15 Ph.D. and 25 M.E./M.Tech. students.

He is serving as editors of ACM Computing Survey, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, IEEE TNSM, Elsevier Computer Communication, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems. Also, he has organized various special issues of journals of repute from IEEE, Elsevier, Springer. He has been a workshop chair at IEEE Globecom 2018, IEEE Infocom 2020 and IEEE ICC 2020 and track chair of Security and privacy of IEEE MSN 2020. He is also TPC Chair and member for various International conferences such as IEEE MASS 2020, IEEE MSN2020. He has won the best papers award from IEEE Systems Journal in 2018, in 2020, and IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas-city in 2018. He has also won best paper award from Elsevier JNCA in 2021 and IEEE Comsoc IWCMC 2021. He has won the outstanding leadership award from IEEE Trustcom in 2021. Moreover, He won the best researcher award from parent organization every year from last eight consecutive years.